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Olga's birthday according to the church calendar 2019
Olga's birthday according to the church calendar 2019

Video: Olga's birthday according to the church calendar 2019

Video: Olga's birthday according to the church calendar 2019
Video: 2019 Liturgical Calendar Video Presentation 2024, October

This name is of Old Norse origin. Hélga meant holiness, wisdom, lordship, clarity. There is an analogue of the name among the ancient Slavs - this is Volga, which meant sunshine, significance, majesty.

The first saint Olga in Russia

The first Russian person to accept Christianity was the grandmother of the Grand Duke Vladimir, Princess Olga, the wife of Prince Igor, who died in the battle with the Drevlyans. Olga is known for her wise and just rule, the Orthodox Church celebrates for several centuries the Day of Remembrance of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga on July 24, according to the date of her death.


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This is the first and most important day in the church calendar when Olga's name day is celebrated in 2019. She is considered the patroness of widows, newly converted Christians. Her name is mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years, where the monk Nestor calls her a wise ruler.

According to ancient legends, Olga was the daughter of Prophetic Oleg, who gave her in marriage to Prince Igor of Kiev. They had a son, Svyatoslav. When Igor did not return from the campaign, his body was sent to Olga. In revenge for the death of her beloved spouse, the princess went with an army to the capital of the Drevlyans, Iskorosten, and burned it.


With a victory, returning to Kiev, Olga continued to rule until the age of majority of Svyatoslav. She ruled the state in subsequent years, since Svyatoslav went on military campaigns, and entrusted the rule of the state to his mother. In those years, she was known as a far-sighted, fair ruler.

Olga strengthened the first borders of Kievan Rus, built cities with stone buildings on them, expanded trade relations with neighboring principalities. The princess erected Orthodox churches in Kiev, large and small cities of her state. But only her grandson Vladimir brought Christianity to all of Russia.

How many days in a year Saint Olga is worshiped

According to the church calendar, Olga's name days in 2019 are honored 6 times, when other saints with this name are also remembered. Consider who they are. There is a special date - Angel Day for all women named Olga.


Dates of veneration of St. Olga according to the Orthodox calendar in 2019:

  • February 10 - the day of veneration of the martyr Olga Evdokimova;
  • March 6 - Memorial Day of the Martyr Olga Kosheleva;
  • March 14 - Memorial Day of the Monk Martyr Olga Zhiltsova;
  • July 17 - the day of veneration of the Passion-Bearer, Grand Duchess Olga Romanova;
  • July 24 - the day of veneration of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, Grand Duchess of Kievan Rus;
  • November 23 is the day of memory of the martyr Olga Maslennikova.

Each of these names in Christianity has its own legends and parables. For each of the venerated, his own prayers are composed. This name is significant in the Christian religion, the fate of women, who are an example for modern people, are associated with it. When Olga's name day is in 2019 according to the church calendar, the zodiac sign is also taken into account.


Christian astrologers believe that the most successful zodiac sign for the name Olga is Cancer. It is the perfect combination of a calendar day with a zodiac sign. Girls born under the constellation Cancer grow up open-minded, sociable, and always find their happiness.

Olga Evdokimova, whose day is celebrated on February 10, was born in 1897 in the Moscow province. She had two children, but she found time to serve in the church of St. John the Baptist, to participate in the life of the church. When the church was closed in 1937, Olga Vasilievna was put on trial, sent to hard labor, where she spent 10 years and died in 1939. They buried her in a common grave. The church canonized her in 2000.


Olga Kosheleva, who is revered on March 6, was born and lived in the Ryazan province. She was an ordinary woman, gave birth to two children. In 1938, because she was an active parishioner of the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God, she was put on trial and imprisoned. Olga did not live up to the verdict, she died in prison, continuing to glorify God. By the Holy Synod in 2005, Olga Kosheleva was recognized as a martyr and was canonized.

The next day, when Olga's name day is in 2019 according to the church calendar, falls on March 14. On this day, the entire holy church honors Olga Zhiltsova, who gave her life for doing a lot for the prosperity of the Yavlensky Monastery, even after being accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, in prison she continued to praise God and read prayers.

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In 1939, on March 14, Olga Zhiltsova was shot by a court verdict. In 2003, the church canonized her as a holy new martyr.

Grand Duchess Olga Romanova, a member of the last royal family, is honored on July 17, the day when, in 1918, the entire family of Emperor Nicholas II was shot. Among those executed was Olga, the daughter of the emperor, who was born in 1895.


According to the church calendar in 2019, the main day when Olga's name day is considered the day of remembrance of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, the Grand Duchess, who left a glorious memory of herself in the history of Russia. This day is July 24th. On the same day, all women who bear the name Olga celebrate Angel Day.

Olga Maslennikova is remembered on November 23. She devoted all the years of her adult life to serving in the Church of St. George the Victorious. She was accused of counter-revolutionary propaganda, put in prison, where she died with a prayer to God on her lips. In 2000 Olga Maslennikova was canonized by the Christian church.

What are Olga's gifts for their name days?

The number of gifts primarily includes church symbols - icons, amulets, chains with pendants, which depict the faces of holy women. You can give other things, one way or another related to the name of Olga.


Gifts can be as follows:

  1. Chiffon shawls, silk, modest colors, so that they can always be worn at service, on a pilgrimage trip.
  2. For Olga with a creative streak, who embroiders, draws, knits, sets and accessories for such hobbies are suitable.
  3. Eco-bags made of modern natural fabrics. They are always beautifully decorated, useful in the household.
  4. Aquariums with dry fill or a pair of goldfish. They always easily fit into the interior of the birthday girl's room, they will delight her eyes.

On all gift items, the inscription "Olga" is excluded. In Ancient Russia, the name was always considered sacred, it was often hidden behind second names so as not to bring an evil eye on the bearer. Many people today follow this belief, it is not one of those that the church does not recognize.
