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What killed Razin's son?
What killed Razin's son?

Video: What killed Razin's son?

Video: What killed Razin's son?
Video: He killed her son. Mom Teaches Him a Lesson. 2024, October

Andrei Razin, the creator of Affectionate May, is going through a difficult time. Last week, the star's 16-year-old son, Alexander, suddenly died. An examination is underway now. According to preliminary data, the young man had a serious heart attack.


Reportedly, Alexander became ill during an evening walk with a girl. Neurosurgeon Aleksey Kashcheev was nearby, the doctor was trying to revive the young man. Later, the man wrote on the social network that "in the process of 20-minute cardiopulmonary resuscitation, it was possible to restore the rhythm as many as two times, but each time it broke."

The ambulance took the teenager to the nearest hospital, but the doctors were unable to save Alexander. What could have caused the seizure? Doctors plan to do an autopsy on Monday, the results will be announced later, RIA Novosti writes.

A number of publications, citing doctors, reports that heart problems are becoming quite common among young men from large cities. Moreover, those who are actively involved in sports are in a special risk group, since some sports clubs sell anabolic steroids under the guise of expensive vitamins. Taking these drugs leads to a change in hormonal levels, which negatively affects the state of the body as a whole.

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