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How to plant cabbage for seedlings at home and when
How to plant cabbage for seedlings at home and when

Video: How to plant cabbage for seedlings at home and when

Video: How to plant cabbage for seedlings at home and when
Video: How to Grow Chinese Cabbage - Napa Cabbage - TIPS Growing Cabbage From Seeds 2024, April

Strong and healthy seedlings are the key to a rich harvest. It is enough just to know how to plant cabbage for seedlings at home, and apply the knowledge in practice.

Landing dates

An important point is that if the seedlings outgrow, then it will not be easy for it to adapt to the new conditions. Therefore, a novice gardener should not only have information on how to plant cabbage for seedlings at home, but also know the main thing - when to do it.

Also, when calculating the timing, you need to take into account that seedlings germinate on the 3-4th day after sowing. Plus it will take 30-35 days for the seedlings to grow up, get stronger and be ready for transplanting into open ground.


The exact sowing time depends on the variety. When choosing it, you should focus on the purposes for which cabbage is grown:

  • early varieties are suitable for preparing summer salads, the sowing period falls on the period from 10 to 30 March;
  • mid-season - for salads and pickles, period - from March 15 to April 15;
  • late - for winter storage and fermentation, period - from April 1 to April 20.

In addition to white cabbage, there are other types of this vegetable crop that are grown for seedlings at different times.

The time for sowing seeds depends on the region:

  • southern, Crimea, Altai - from February 10;
  • Volga region, middle lane - from February 15 to March 15;
  • Central part - from March 15 to April 25;
  • Siberia and the Urals - from April 15 to May 30.

In an apartment, you can plant seeds for seedlings already in February, in mid-April you can transplant it into a nursery, and in May - into open ground.


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Soil preparation

Having decided when to plant cabbage for seedlings, it is also important to know how to prepare the soil at home. The soil suitable for cabbage is a composition of turf and humus, a ratio of 1: 1.

You also need to add wood ash. It acts as an effective antiseptic against blackleg and as a good source of nutrients.

It is possible to prepare a mixture based on peat, the main thing is that the composition is fertile and breathable. But at the same time, the requirements for fertility are not too high.


In excessively fertile soil, the seedlings will begin to drive the green mass. After transplanting into open ground, the root system will not be able to provide the greens with the same amount of nutrients, as a result, some of the foliage will simply die off.

In any soil, there may be pathogens dangerous for seedlings of diseases. Therefore, the soil can be roasted in the oven, treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, or simply spilled with boiling water.

Fitosporin and Baikal can "populate" the land for planting seeds with beneficial microorganisms.


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Seed preparation

In order to grow strong and healthy seedlings from seeds at home, you need to carry out pre-sowing preparation and only then plant the seeds. What is it for? Seed preparation consists in disinfecting planting material in order to exclude such diseases dangerous for cabbage as black leg, powdery mildew, etc.

Potassium permanganate is used as a disinfectant - it is enough to make a saturated solution. You can also buy chemicals. But first you need to make a saline solution, lower the seeds there for 10 minutes. Those that end up at the bottom can be used for landing, and those that surfaced can simply be thrown away, they are empty.


In a disinfectant solution, we keep the planting material for 20-30 minutes, then wrap it in a damp cloth and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Such hardening will strengthen immunity and allow plants to more easily adapt to new conditions.

2 days before planting, you can additionally soak the seeds in plain water or a growth stimulator. So processes are activated inside the seeds, which will accelerate the growth and maturation of cabbage.


Sowing the seeds

At home, you can plant cabbage for seedlings with and without a pick. Here everyone chooses for himself, but if the volumes are small, then you can plant without pinching off the tips, that is, immediately in separate cups.

If we are talking about planting followed by picking, then for sowing, you can take a plastic container or a wooden box. If planting without picking, then you can purchase special pallets with separate cells, but ordinary plastic cups or cartons cut from milk are also suitable.

The process is step by step:

  1. The container must be thoroughly rinsed and disinfected, for example, with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Pour a drainage layer 4-5 cm in height at the bottom of the container. Pebbles, expanded clay or ordinary eggshells can be used as drainage.
  3. Fill the container with prepared soil and spill it with water.
  4. At a distance of 3-4 cm, make grooves with a thin stick.
  5. With an interval of 2 cm and a depth of 1 cm, we plant the seeds. It is important not to sow them too close to each other, otherwise the seedlings will need to be thinned out later.
  6. Sprinkle the planting material with earth, tamp it slightly and pour it with warm water from a spray bottle.
  7. We tighten the container with cling film, you can simply cover it with glass or a plastic lid.
  8. We transfer the container to a bright place, while the temperature in the room should be in the range of 18-20 ° C.

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In the first days after sowing, you need to moisten the soil, otherwise the seeds will dry out. It is important not to allow waterlogging so that the seedlings do not become infected with the black leg.

Seedling snail

At home, you can plant cabbage for seedlings in snails. This is a modern and proven method that will allow you to grow any plants. The design is inexpensive, compact, you can fit all crops on one windowsill.

Snail material is sold in any hardware store, and the creation of a structure does not require special forces, skills and tools. Learn step by step how to plant cabbage for seedlings at home in such an unusual way.

  1. We take a roll of a soft laminate backing 10 cm wide. We unfold it to a length of 15-20 cm and move one edge towards us.
  2. Pour a layer of soil 1 cm thick over the entire width of the tape and crush it.
  3. We make an indent of 1-2 cm from the edge of the tape and at a distance of several cm we begin to lay out the seeds, while pressing them into the ground with our finger.
  4. We carefully wrap the tape with soil and planting material in a roll to the point where the earth ends.
  5. We hold the roll and continue to plant the seeds until the tape is completely over.
  6. We fix the resulting bundle, as in the photo, with an elastic band so that soil does not fall out of it.
  7. We water the snail, put on a bag on top to create a greenhouse effect and put it in a container.

Like any other container with future seedlings, snails also need to be watered, otherwise, due to a thin layer of soil, the planting material will dry out quickly.


Seedling care

As soon as the first shoots appear, the shelter must be removed, and the seedlings must be cooled so that they do not stretch out and receive their first hardening. You can simply open a window, take it outside or into a cooler room. We cool the seedlings for 4-5 hours at a temperature of 3-4 ° C and from 8 to 10 hours at 10-14 ° C.

Cabbage is very demanding on moisture, so the seedlings need to be watered at any time of the day, but preferably when there is no sun. Cabbage can be watered directly over the foliage.


Excessive moisture should not be allowed, otherwise the seedlings may die. You can find out about waterlogging by the following signs:

  • the seedlings stopped growing abruptly;
  • the leaves have acquired a red-purple color.

You do not need to strive to grow seedlings with a powerful green mass, all the same, part of the foliage will dry out after transplantation. It is much easier for small seedlings to settle down in a new place.


Top dressing

Seedlings of any crops, including cabbage, need additional nutrition. For normal development and growth, the plant needs macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.

If too small seedlings grow, then they do not have enough calcium and copper, without it you can completely lose all the seedlings.

The first feeding is carried out on the 7th day after the pick, the second - on the 10th after the first and the third - before planting in open ground.

When using wood ash in the preparation of the soil, the seedlings will already grow strong and healthy. If not, then you will have to feed the seedlings with all microelements.



For each stage of growth, it is important to provide the seedlings with the correct temperature regime. So, for young seedlings, ideal conditions are 18-20 ° C. At this temperature, seedlings may appear already on the 3rd day. Seeds will germinate at a temperature of 1-3 ° C, but it will take more time.

For mature seedlings, the temperature should be lowered to 15-18 ° C. This will help harden the seedlings and prevent them from pulling out.

Growth can be controlled by temperature. So, if the seedlings grow too vigorously, then they can outgrow. Therefore, it is better to suspend its development by lowering the temperature to 10-15 ° C.


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If the room is too hot, it will inhibit the development of plants, the seedlings will begin to wilt. You can lower the temperature by opening a window or covering the battery with a blanket.

You can also cover the glass with paper, but when darkening, do not forget that seedlings cannot live without light, especially in the first stages of their development. Due to the lack of light, it will begin to stretch. Therefore, we shade only in case of direct sunlight, but it is better to replace paper with non-woven material, since cabbage loves diffused light.

Unlike white cabbage, cauliflower does not tolerate low temperatures. Therefore, when growing it, the temperature should be 5-6 ° C higher.

Of course, you can buy seedlings from the market. But there is a risk of purchasing a product of poor quality or not the kind you want. Therefore, if there is a desire and time, it is better to plant cabbage for seedlings at home. There is nothing difficult in this, but for novice gardeners you can watch a video on how to grow seedlings.



  1. Sowing time depends on the variety of vegetables and the region.
  2. Before sowing, it is important to prepare the soil, planting material and containers.
  3. You can plant seeds with a subsequent pick, without it, or in a snail.
  4. For good growth and development, seedlings need to be provided with timely watering, feeding and optimal temperature conditions.
