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Payments to pensioners born in 1953-1967
Payments to pensioners born in 1953-1967

Video: Payments to pensioners born in 1953-1967

Video: Payments to pensioners born in 1953-1967
Video: Внимание!!! Выплаты пенсионерам 1953-1967 года рождения! Объясняю, как получить 2024, April

Payments to pensioners born in 1953-1967 are provided only if the recipients meet certain conditions. The amount of the amount is individual and is determined not only by age, but also by some circumstances. Learn about the changes and how to get paid in 2021.

Conditions for receiving a lump sum

Payments to pensioners born in 1953-1967 have been made over the past few years, but not annually and not on a mandatory basis. Only persons who meet several requirements at once can count on them.

Before contacting the FIU with indignation and claims, you need to check your compliance with all points:

  1. The main one is the presence of pension savings (you can check on the official website of the Pension Fund in several ways or in the non-state accumulation fund where the contributions were made). The program worked for 2 years, hence the second requirement.
  2. Age (year of birth from 1953 - for males and from 1957 - for females). The official barrier for both genders is 1966, and 1967 for those who wrote the application from 2008 to 2015.
  3. The applicant must receive insurance payments or early, if there are preferential conditions for early exit.
  4. After receiving funds (they are paid every 5 years), there are still accumulations made earlier on the personal account.

It is possible to clarify the size of the account balance and the amount of potential payment only in the organization to which the funds were transferred.

The FIU does not have information on the contributions that were made earlier to non-state accumulative funds. However, contacting them (if they are still working) can be done through the multifunctional center.


Ways to Apply

Payments to pensioners born in 1953-1967 in 2021 are different in size, and the recommendations on how to get them are also not the same. The calculation of the amount is made according to several components, and the receipt is of a declarative nature. Pensioners are given the opportunity to apply through several channels.

You can register it:

  • in the Pension Fund of Russia, by submitting the necessary package of documents to the branch nearest to the place of residence;
  • in a non-state accumulation fund (if the transfers were sent there), having previously specified the conditions and the list of required securities;
  • in a multifunctional center, where you can submit documents and then receive an answer;
  • in electronic form, by contacting the State Service portal, for this you need to register and create an account;
  • through the principal, whose powers are confirmed by a power of attorney.

The receipt or notification of registration of the application does not mean that the funds will be credited immediately. One day will be spent on checking the accuracy of the information and account status, up to 30 days are allotted for making a decision and calculating the estimated size. Another month may pass before the direct receipt of the assigned amount. Funds can be received through several channels (this is indicated in the application): through the "Post of Russia", in the Pension Fund, by transfer to the current account.


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List of documents

Not only those who transferred funds in the early 2000s, but also those who took part in the co-financing program later, have the right to receive payments. This also applies to those who have not reached retirement age, but only pre-retirement age, and women who have sent maternity capital funds for these purposes. The last two categories have the right to choose the frequency and amount of payments, if they do not intend to continue the formation of the funded pension.

Pensioners can count on one payment in a five-year period, but they may not receive it if the last payment was recently or the amount of savings is more than 5% of the insurance pension. Those who receive a monthly funded pension may definitely not qualify for it. However, people with disabilities and those who have lost their breadwinner have an advantage.


Before receiving payments to pensioners born in 1953-1967, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents. It will necessarily include a statement containing all the necessary data (SNILS, received pension and the selected method of transferring money). In addition to him, you need a passport, a confirmed right to receive a pension.

Certificates certifying the fact of disability or loss of a breadwinner are needed if they are used to confirm the need for funds. If an authorized person is involved in processing the payment, then you need a power of attorney and his passport. If you cannot afford the services of a notary, you can contact the head of the social security institution or his deputy for certification. They have the right stipulated by the article of the Civil Code.


How much can you count on

There is no universal answer to this question, since the size directly depends not only on the amount on the account. You can submit a request through the MFC or the FIU, but only if you have all the necessary documents on hand. Naturally, this should be done before submitting an application, because it may turn out that it is not allowed at all.

The answer may depend on the sources of the payment:

  • from the co-financing program (hence the inclusion in the list of those born in 1967);
  • from the savings made by the employer transferring part of the insurance premiums, at the request of the employee.

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This government decision applies only to participants in the co-financing program. Those who have a cumulative minimum formed from 6%, which were transferred at will in the early 2000s, are deprived of the right to choose options. For them, there is only one form - a lump sum payment with all the restrictions and requirements for the applicant that follow from it.

There is no need to rush the process, because if such a small assistance is required, then you can submit documents before the next five-year deadline.



Payments to pensioners born in 1953-1967 are made only in the form of a one-time compensation and no more than once every 5 years. To obtain it, you need to submit an application and a package of documents, and then - consideration of the application by the relevant authorities that make a decision.

The amount depends on the amount of savings (their value may impede the adoption of a positive decision). The pensioner, who has forgotten where the funds were transferred to him in 2002-2004, will be helped by the Russian Pension Fund, which has information about all self-liquidated NPFs.
