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Desserts without baking: a quick festive table
Desserts without baking: a quick festive table

Video: Desserts without baking: a quick festive table

Video: Desserts without baking: a quick festive table

We continue to prepare for the main holiday of the year. We've sorted out the traditional New Year's salads. But the table on December 31 is not only Olivier and herring under a fur coat. It is also hot and desserts. The latter is a very important and, as a rule, rather energy-consuming thing. And when I cut the salads, put the hot stuff in the oven, this very energy is almost gone. Therefore, we decided to offer you several recipes for sweet, for the preparation of which it will take very little time and effort.

Creamy nut fudge


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  • 100 ml 33% cream
  • 50 g of condensed milk
  • 150 g icing sugar
  • 40 g hazelnuts
  • 10 g vanilla sugar


Split the hazelnuts in half. Lightly grease the setting tins with butter.

Pour the cream into a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Add condensed milk, add powdered sugar with vanilla sugar. Mix thoroughly and wipe the walls off the sugar well.

Put the pan on low heat. Stirring continuously, bring to a boil. If you suddenly notice that sugar is burning on the sides of the pan, remove it with a wet napkin.

Boil the mixture until tender. Readiness is determined as follows: drip a little syrup into a bowl of cold water and roll up a ball. If the ball is soft, elastic and does not stick to your hands, then the fondant is ready.

Pour the prepared nuts into the hot fondant, mix well and pour the mixture into oiled molds. When the mass has cooled, cut it into portioned pieces with a sharp knife or simply break it.

Any other nuts can be used instead of hazelnuts. If desired, nuts can be replaced with raisins, candied fruits, finely chopped dried fruits, or take a little of everything. And in cream, you can dilute a couple of tablespoons of cocoa or pour in the chocolate mass from the melted bar.

Fruit salad with chocolate



  • 50 g dark chocolate
  • 125 g peeled melon
  • 75 g plum
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • Mint for decoration


Grind half of the melon with a blender.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, add the melon puree, mix.

Divide the mass into bowls to half the volume. Cool until solid.

Cut the remaining melon and plum into pieces and place on top of the frozen chocolate cream.

Garnish with mint and serve.

Fruit marshmallow dessert



  • 300-400 g sour cream 30% fat
  • 2 tbsp. l. icing sugar
  • 1 tbsp. l. gelatin
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 kiwi
  • Vanilla marshmallow - 2 pcs.
  • A piece of chocolate and a handful of nuts for garnish


Soak gelatin in 1/3 cup of water, soak according to the instructions (about 30 minutes), put on for 30-40 seconds. in the microwave, cool a little - it should be slightly warm.

Beat sour cream with powdered sugar.

Slice fruits and marshmallows.

Add gelatin to the whipped cream.

Spread some cream on the bowls.

Then put fruit and marshmallows.

Pour the cream over again, add fruit and marshmallows - and again the cream.

Sprinkle with grated chocolate and nuts on top. Put in the refrigerator for 1, 5-2 hours.

Dessert is not worth making a lot, the marshmallow dissolves in about a day, the taste does not get worse, but the structure is lost.

Wafer cakes



500 g vanilla waffles


Grind the waffles in a blender.

Dissolve coffee in liqueur, add powdered sugar and stir. Add waffle crumbs gradually.

Put the mass in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Take out and mold balls of a convenient size. Roll each ball in powdered sugar or cocoa powder. If you do not serve it immediately, you can put the balls in the refrigerator.

Chocolate covered grapes


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  • Grapes, bananas
  • Chocolate (any to taste)


Chop and melt the chocolate for the icing in a water bath.

Fruit should be peeled or washed, but must be dry.

Cool the melted chocolate a little and dip the fruit in the chocolate. Additionally, you can sprinkle the dessert with coconut flakes or nut chips

Put the chocolate-covered fruits on parchment paper or stick them into the apple on skewers.

Refrigerate until chocolate hardens.

Roll Bounty



  • 200 g biscuits
  • 100 ml of water
  • 70 g sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 80 g coconut flakes
  • 80 g softened butter
  • Powdered sugar


Grind the cookies into crumbs, mix with cocoa.

Dissolve sugar in hot water and cool.

Add water to the biscuits little by little and stir until a viscous dough is obtained.

Mix coconut flakes with butter and powder.

Roll out the mass of cookies on cling film into a rectangular not too thick layer, distribute the coconut mass on top, roll up and put in the freezer for 30-40 minutes.

Fried ice cream



  • Ice cream
  • Coconut flakes
  • Breadcrumbs
  • 3 eggs


Ice cream must be taken in a very frozen state, almost stone.

Before removing the ice cream from the freezer, you need to prepare the breading: coconut flakes, beaten eggs and crackers.

Take out ice cream and cut into portions.

Very quickly make a breading of ice cream: the first layer is coconut, the second is dipped into the egg, the third is to roll in breadcrumbs.

Place all ice cream scoops on a chilled plate and return to the freezer to deep-freeze.

After about half an hour, complete the last step - deep-fried ice cream. To do this, heat refined sunflower oil and dip portions of ice cream from the freezer into it. You need to do this very quickly, fry very little - 20 seconds on each side. During this time, the ice cream inside does not have time to melt. The dessert will be warm on top and cold on the inside.
