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Auspicious days for a wedding in August 2021
Auspicious days for a wedding in August 2021

Video: Auspicious days for a wedding in August 2021

Video: Auspicious days for a wedding in August 2021
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Registration of marriage is one of the most important events in life. Everyone wants this day to be successful. That is why, in addition to preparing for the celebration, you should choose favorable days for the wedding in August 2021 according to the church calendar.

Date picker

Astrologers develop tables taking into account the phases of the moon. Based on them, you can choose the best date for marriage. This will register a harmonious union that will last throughout life.

According to psychologists, when choosing a date for a holiday, people are coding their personal subconscious for a happy future. But a successful life can develop not only if the recommendations of astrologers are followed. There should be respect and warm feelings between partners.


Moon calendar

Our ancestors noticed that the movement of the planet's satellite affects many life events. It turns out that it is better to register a marriage on the growing moon. She is evidence of the gradual development of relationships. A marriage between loving people will be strong.

If you marry when the satellite of the Earth is in Taurus, Cancer, Libra, you will be able to build a happy relationship. Given the favorable days for a wedding in August 2021 according to the lunar calendar, it will be possible to choose the most suitable date.

Auspicious days Unsuitable days
1, 7, 8, 12, 18, 22, 26, 28 2-6, 13-15, 20

Astrologers advise against entering into a marriage union during lunar eclipses. The marriages that took place at this time were unhappy. There will always be conflicts in a relationship. And during the holiday itself, quarrels and problems can arise.


Church calendar

In addition to auspicious days for a wedding in August 2021 according to the lunar calendar, the church is also used. It includes fasts and important Orthodox events. If a decision was made to get married, then the day should be chosen responsibly.

In August 2021, you can choose the numbers: 1, 2, 8, 9, 29, 30. These are favorable days, suitable for registering a marriage. According to the church calendar, you cannot marry in fasting. During this period, fun is considered forbidden, since this is a period for prayer, reconciliation, and repentance.

It is allowed to celebrate a wedding in 3 periods: registration at the registry office, wedding and a holiday with relatives. If a wedding is not planned, the celebration can be held on a suitable day for the couple. No one can prohibit the holiday, since the issue of faith is a personal matter for everyone.


Should you choose August to start a family

The last month of summer is great for getting married. The benefits of a wedding in August include:

  • favorable weather: no intense heat, but not cold yet;
  • seasonal vegetables, fruits, berries are available, which will save a lot;
  • the possibility of holding a celebration in nature;
  • wonderful photo sessions;
  • during the holidays, many invitees will be able to come to the holiday;
  • you can buy fresh flowers.

But there are also disadvantages. It can still be hot in the party room. The problem can be easily eliminated if the air conditioner operates in the room. In August, you can choose an open-air restaurant or a café.

There are many weddings this month, so it is difficult to order many services: photo session, video filming, show programs. Moreover, the prices for them are high. But since you can save a lot in August, the overpricing of some services is unlikely to scare you.


Suitable clothing for the August wedding

When organizing a wedding, you need to think through many nuances. It is important not only to choose a date, but also to decide on the outfits. For the holiday this month, it is advisable to purchase clothes made of light materials.

Lush outfits, in which it is inconvenient to move, are not very suitable. It is better for the bride to stay on clothes with bare shoulders and back. Light dresses should be preferred. Don't choose long layered skirts.


For the wedding in August, high hairstyles are done to keep the neck open. It is better to use flowers to decorate your hair. But do not use a large amount of varnish, mousse. With the help of hairpins and invisibility, it will be possible to securely fix the hair. It is important that the makeup is long-lasting.

A suit made of light, light material suits the groom. Preference should be given to natural fabrics, since then the skin breathes perfectly. These outfits look classy, and the classic ones are not suitable for this weather. The tie can be replaced with a bow tie. Instead of a tight jacket, choose a vest.



When organizing a wedding in August in 2021, you should rely on some folk signs:

  1. It is important that there are no beef-based dishes on the table.
  2. You should not wear outfits with decor, red things. It is advisable that the products do not have leopard and tiger prints.
  3. The festive table should be filled with vegetables, fruits, herbs.
  4. It is advisable to use silverware and cutlery.
  5. It is not worth registering the union on the 13th.
  6. The union, concluded between August 7 and 12, promises happiness in life.
  7. It is preferable to announce and play the wedding in one year.
  8. Sisters and brothers should not register their marriage in one year, otherwise only one family will be happy.

According to church rules, you should not get married on the day of baptism and on your birthday.

When choosing auspicious days for a wedding in August 2021 according to the church calendar, you should also take into account the advice of astrologers. But it is important to remember that they are only advisory in nature.



  1. The date of the wedding is chosen based on the lunar and church calendar.
  2. A suitable day of celebration is the key to a happy family life.
  3. It is also important to remember about popular beliefs.
