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We treat fatty liver hepatosis, which affects 65% of people
We treat fatty liver hepatosis, which affects 65% of people

Video: We treat fatty liver hepatosis, which affects 65% of people

Video: We treat fatty liver hepatosis, which affects 65% of people
Video: Dr. Stephen Phinney: Does a ketogenic diet improve fatty liver disease? 2024, April

More than 65% of overweight people are susceptible to a condition called in medicine fatty liver hepatosis. They live without knowing what it is and how to treat it, and do not even suspect that they have it. Like any chronic disease of a non-inflammatory nature, in the initial stages it is rarely accompanied by severe symptoms, although it occurs not only in full ones.


In medicine, there are several synonymous terms for the first step to cirrhosis, and when they talk about fatty liver, steatosis, fatty infiltration, fatty liver hepatosis - we mean a negative process provoked by destructive changes in liver cells.


Not knowing what it is, often not knowing about his presence, and not thinking about how to treat him, a person confidently goes to cirrhosis, behind which a very real lethal outcome is already looming.

The nature of the problem

Fatty liver hepatosis - This is a condition that occurs as a result of a pathological effect on the liver. Most often it occurs in a chronic course, developing gradually in every potential patient who exposes his liver to harmful influences. Only those who have been poisoned by toxic poison can develop an acute form.

The nature of the symptoms of the disease depends on the factor that has become the starting mechanism of development. The degree of development of the disease can increase due to the patient's ignorance of it.

Until he thought what kind of disease it was and how to treat it, the stage came when the symptoms began to appear. The present pathology, disrupting the natural functionality of the organ, leads to other negative conditions.

95% of people diagnosed with fatty liver hepatosis have exceeded the permissible norm for their weight by more than 30%.


Often, the disease affects people who abuse alcohol. But the hepatologist, when answering the question what it is, has the opportunity to tell that there are several types of disease, united by one term. And how to treat the disease depends on the stage at which the patient asked for help. Sometimes the disease can be stopped and turned into a normal state.

It happens that a visit to the doctor took place at a stage when it is too late to do it, because hepatosis turns into another disease, for example, hepatitis - inflammation of the liver, or cirrhosis.

The reasons for the development of the disease are diverse, but any possible of them has a similar development mechanism. Up to a certain point, the liver, which has a huge protective potential, and the ability to heal itself, stoically resists destructive influences and tries to neutralize them. Disorders of metabolism, natural cellular metabolism, diseases of the digestive tract, sooner or later lead to the loss of these abilities.

Disruption of cell nutrition and failure of lipid metabolism causes the replacement of their structure with fibrous tissue. Adipose tissue overwhelms the cell and completely replaces hepatocytes with lipid compounds.

The death of hepatocytes leads to their replacement by connective tissue, as a result of which the gland of external secretion loses its natural functionality.


Development stages and symptoms

The symptoms of the disease depend on the stage of development, as in many other diseases of the hepatobiliary system. They may not appear at all in the early stages, and a little later look like a manifestation of digestive pathology, and be accompanied by blurred pain in the right hypochondrium.

With a timely examination, you can diagnose hepatosis in a timely manner, and stop the development of the process of cell degeneration. But in many cases this does not happen, especially if the patient suffers from alcoholism.


In hepatosis of any etiology, three stages of development are noted:

  1. Obesity, in which an excess of lipids simply accumulates inside the hepatocyte and practically does not manifest itself in any way;
  2. The negative process becomes more intense, the cells form clusters, connective tissue grows between them;
  3. Fat cells begin to prevail over liver cells, the area of their concentration increases, and there is already quite a lot of connective tissue (this stage is called pre-cirrhosis).

There is also a classification for clinicians, which is based on the principle of differentiation according to the accumulation of fat cells: in separate zones (zonal), on larger areas, but separately (local), diffuse - when the hepatic lobes are filled with fat, which is why they practically do not work, dissiminated (the same pre-cirrhotic), with uniform damage to the entire liver.

In the early stages, symptoms may not be present. In the later, there are feelings of nausea and heaviness, impaired stool and digestion, with which it is difficult to distinguish between gastrointestinal tract pathologies and liver dysfunction.

In the alcoholic form, this is most often correlated with a hangover syndrome. At the stage of significant development of liver damage in a person, ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity), changes in speech and behavior, jaundice and even impaired coordination are manifested.


The main causes and types

Hepatosis is of 2 types: congenital and acquired (or primary and secondary). Congenital is caused by hereditary factors, anomalies of intrauterine development and is most often associated with disorders of bilirubin metabolism at the genetic level. Secondary hepatosis develops against the background of any factor that constantly destroys the liver.

Depending on the provocateur or pathogenic agent, the types of fatty hepatosis are also distinguished:

  • the pigment group is associated with disorders at the genetic level and is inherited;
  • alcoholic hepatosis develops against the background of systematic alcohol abuse;
  • toxic can be triggered by poisoning with poisons, abuse of medicines, drugs, work in hazardous industries, etc.;
  • hepatosis of pregnancy occurs when hormonal disorders occur, leading to a failure in the synthesis and outflow of bile;
  • secondary, associated with metabolic disorders can be triggered by other diseases present in the body (the list of such reasons is quite long - from diabetes mellitus to diseases of the digestive, metabolic and hepatobiliary systems).

Timely treatment of existing pathologies, rejection of bad habits, a healthy lifestyle and regular medical examination allow us to identify violations of liver functionality in the early stages. Correctly selected treatment tactics allow you to reverse the process and completely restore the work of a vital organ, return it to a healthy state.

The longer the negative effect on the liver lasts, the more intense the destruction process becomes, the wider the lesion spreads and the shorter the distance to inflammatory processes (hepatitis) and finally destructive (cirrhosis).


Possible ways of resolution

With timely detection, hepatosis can be cured by an integrated method using medications (including hepatoprotectors, but not only them).

The doctor prescribes a special diet with the exclusion of harmful products, finds the cause of liver damage and tries to eliminate it, perhaps even the use of therapeutic exercises and methods of traditional medicine.

But it is much easier not to bring your body to the need for treatment, especially the transition to the last stages that pose an immediate threat to the body, undergo a timely examination and lead a healthy lifestyle.
