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How to deal with your own greed
How to deal with your own greed

Video: How to deal with your own greed

Video: How to deal with your own greed
Video: Greed: Overcoming It 2024, April

"Greedy beef, pickled cucumber" - were you teased like that as a child? Probably teased. Jokingly or seriously, each of us was accused of greed at least once by our friends in the sandbox or school. We didn't want to share sweets, didn't let our girlfriends play with our dolls, and we ourselves weren't averse to taking someone's toy away. But it's one thing to be a greedy child: everything is forgiven to him, at least by his parents, who then still explain that "doing this is not good." It’s quite another to be a greedy adult. What to do if you have not been at a tender age for a long time, but are greedy as if a neighbor's boy encroaches on your chocolate bar?

Greed poisons life, and not only to those with whom the curmudgeon refuses to share, but to the greedy himself. Feeling that he is doing something wrong, and seeing the unfriendly attitude of others, such a person begins to torn between the desire to remain good for everyone and the need to single-handedly possess any object. Greedy people often get involved in dubious adventures, the organizers of which promise big money, and then leave gullible hunters for profit with nothing. In addition, the saying “The miser pays twice” is just about such people. Searching everywhere for signs with the inscription "discount", they ignore really good things, preferring less quality ones, and then sadly return to the store to buy, say, a new, more expensive hairdryer to replace the broken (and only a couple of days) unit bought at a sale.


In general, you yourself understand that life is not easy for a greedy person, as well as for those who surround him. He stubbornly calls himself thrifty, thrifty, tries to give gifts to loved ones from the category of "cheap and cheerful" and always complains that he does not have enough money. Most surprisingly, he really doesn’t have enough of them for anything. Psychologists call this phenomenon a “poor man’s complex”: people who do not know how to spend money freely and with pleasure, are cut off from bread for water, and those who easily and wisely part with them, earn, so to speak, according to their needs.

If you understand that the offensive "greedy" is about you, then you have already taken the first step towards solving the problem.

If you understand that the offensive "greedy" is about you, then you have already taken the first step towards solving the problem. Now let's take the rest of the steps together.

Spend money on yourself

Surely you are sorry to part with hard-earned bills, and you have not dared to buy yourself a dress that you have long dreamed of for a month now. It's time to become a "spender" for one hour (after all, that's what you call people who live for their own pleasure) and go to the mall to get the much-coveted wardrobe item. Yes, yes, you just have to do it. Believe me, at first you will feel uncomfortable, you will even reproach yourself for excessive wastefulness, but in an hour you will realize: “I could, I bought a thing that is worthy of me”. Try it.


Spend money on another person

Well, or at least give him your piece of cake. In general, do something nice to a close relative or friend without expecting anything in return. Feel how nice it is when someone is grateful to you. By the way, a great option is to take part in a charity event. So you will help those who need this help: both other people and yourself.

Go through your wardrobe and makeup supplies

Almost all greedy people are little buns. They like to store even what they don't need at all: the closet is full of old clothes, and the bedside table is full of expired tubes of creams. But the greedy person will not think of throwing half of the "good" into the trash, she will carefully hide everything in boxes and mezzanines. Thoughts about donating unnecessary things to a charitable foundation or an orphanage will not arise either, this is all “mine, dear”. You need to step over your hoard of hoarding and free your wardrobes of what you don't wear or use. Believe me, it will immediately feel better in your soul, besides, so much space will be freed up at home that it will be much easier to breathe.


Look for other motives

In order not to regret the wrong choice next time, try to look for another - not material - motivation for this or that action.

As we have already said, greedy people often get involved in dubious adventures, because they want to earn more instantly and more. In 90% of cases, these adventures end in disappointment and bitter tears. In order not to regret the wrong choice next time, try to look for another - not material - motivation for this or that action. Life is not built only on money, long-term prospects, mutual assistance, interest, finally, play an important role. Therefore, if you understand that, apart from financial benefits, you will not get anything else from this adventure, think ten times whether to agree to a dubious offer.
