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How to make low-calorie pancakes
How to make low-calorie pancakes

Video: How to make low-calorie pancakes

Video: How to make low-calorie pancakes
Video: Low calorie pancakes l low calorie breakfast recipe l Low calorie dessert l Protein pancakeslDessert 2024, April

What is Shrovetide without pancakes? Pancakes are undoubtedly a delicious dish, but very high in calories. What should those who are on a diet do? Give up a holiday treat? Nothing like this. As with almost any dish, it can be made low in calories. We will tell you how.


How many calories are in pancakes

First, it is important to understand how many calories are in pancakes and why. The calorie content of pancakes prepared according to the classic recipe is about 200 calories per 100 grams. In principle, not that much, considering that, for example, a piece of cake will bring you 400 calories. But to lose weight so to lose weight.

The most harmful components for the figure: yeast, flour, butter, eggs, milk, sugar - this is not counting the filling, but more on that later.

Almost all of these foods can be replaced or altered to reduce calories. However, the components of pancakes are not just extra calories, they also provide the body with a lot of nutrients, which will be useful not only before fasting, but in general throughout life.

Yeast (if you prefer to cook with it) contains B vitamins and is beneficial for skin, hair and nails. In alliance with other beneficial substances in the pancake recipe, they can also have an effect on the nervous system - to calm down and relieve stress.

Flour contains a large amount of the same B vitamins, as well as magnesium, zinc, copper, iron.

Eggs are vitamins B, A, E, D, K, folic acid, choline, and leticin. By the way, the last two elements improve fat metabolism.

Dairy products carry vitamins A and D and, of course, calcium, which is good for bones.

How to make a low-calorie breakfast: 3 delicious options. Most nutritionists say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Especially if you are on a diet. Especially for those who are losing weight and those who just follow the diet, we have prepared several options for healthy and low-calorie breakfasts. Read more…

We change everything

And yet, if we are on a diet, we will look for benefits in other products that will not be deposited by extra centimeters on our waist, and we will change the recipe for pancakes, making them less high in calories.

First of all, you should not use yeast in cooking (yeast pancakes are the most high-calorie) and use oil to a minimum. In a good non-stick skillet, pancakes will cook well without it.

It will still not work to completely eliminate flour. Therefore, it is important to remember - the most harmful wheat flour. You can mix it in half with any other coarse flour.


It is also impossible without eggs, but you can exclude the fattest part of them - the yolk. And it is enough to first beat the whites into a foam.

Milk has varying degrees of fat content - so just go for the leanest or the least fat. Also, instead of milk, you can take kefir, or even better - mineral water. In ordinary water, pancakes will turn out to be no less tasty.

You should not give up salt and sugar when making pancakes. They are needed in small quantities, so they will not be harmful. However, if you really want to, replace the sugar with honey (but note that this will change the taste of the pancakes).

An important point: the pancake dough should resemble liquid sour cream in consistency. Correct the consistency with flour and liquid. Too thick dough - add milk (mineral water). Too liquid - add flour. And it is better to do this by pouring part of the dough into a small container, mixing it with an additional portion of flour, and after that pour a thicker portion of the dough into a liquid one and mix until a homogeneous thicker mass. If you add flour to a large amount of too thin dough, you run the risk of getting lumpy dough.

Recipe for low-calorie pancakes with mineral water:

You will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • a pinch of vanillin
  • 250 ml of mineral water (preferably without a pronounced taste, you can just water with gas)
  • 80 g wholemeal flour
  • salt to taste

Whisk eggs with sugar and vanilla. Next, pour vegetable oil into the resulting mixture, add salt and rub well, achieving uniformity. Gradually add half of the existing flour to the mixture. Continue stirring the mixture as you add the flour to keep out lumps. Then add mineral water and the rest of the flour. Stir well. Let the resulting dough stand for 10 minutes, at least, so that it grabs. The easiest way to bake pancakes is in a dry non-stick skillet (so as not to add calories from the oil in which you cook).

Skim milk pancake recipe without yolks

You need:

- 2 squirrels (remove the yolks)

- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar

- 100 g of buckwheat flour, or rice or oatmeal

- 250 ml skim milk

- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of odorless vegetable oil

- salt to taste

Whisk the whites into a stiff foam. Heat the milk and mix it with sugar, vegetable oil and salt. Gradually add flour to the mixture. Achieve uniformity. Add whipped egg whites. Then bake immediately.

But what about the filling?

Of course, the calorie content of pancakes depends not only on themselves, but also on what to serve them with.

Low-calorie filling options:

For sweet pancakes:

  • fresh fruits and berries;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and honey.

For savory:

  • lean meat;
  • a fish;
  • vegetables;
  • low-fat cheese.

You can serve honey, low-fat sour cream, or yogurt as sauces.


Now, nothing threatens your figure - unless only your appetite, which can allow you to eat a whole slide, even if low-calorie pancakes, to celebrate. So be careful - and bon appetit!

Shrovetide: recipe for classic yeast pancakes: It's time to taste the main delicacy of the daring Shrovetide - pancakes! They say that there are over a hundred recipes for making pancakes. But the best ones are classic, traditional. After all, these are the pancakes our ancestors baked, celebrating Maslenitsa. Read more…
