Curse 2: a good movie for a dark night
Curse 2: a good movie for a dark night

Video: Curse 2: a good movie for a dark night

Video: Curse 2: a good movie for a dark night
Curse 2: a good movie for a dark night
Curse 2: a good movie for a dark night

On October 14, the Russian premiere of the film by Takashi Shimitsu took place"

Fans call the main character of the film, the young movie star Kharashi Kyoko, "the queen of horror." Roles in horror films bring her resounding success, but she does not want to turn into an actress of one genre. She has fame and a career, and soon the desired child from a loved one should appear. The scary movie star has been invited to shoot a TV show about the paranormal. The theme of the program is "Haunted House".

She finds herself in a house that is notorious: many years ago in this place a woman died at the hands of her husband, her son disappeared, and the killer himself died under mysterious circumstances. The bloody drama marked the beginning of a chain of deaths, murders and mysterious disappearances. It was said that the first victim cursed the house where he met death. Her restless soul did not find peace, incarnating in a ghost carrying horror and death.

At first glance, there was nothing remarkable about the "damned place". But suddenly one of the participants in the filming felt the presence of the ghosts of the first owners of the house. The invasion of the television crew angered the ghosts, and terrible misfortunes fell upon everyone who dared to appear in the house, darkened by the aura of death.

Film in film … The heroine of the film is an actress who appears in the film. Picture in picture. The viewer gets confused and realizes that this is "only cinema" (only cinema within cinema). But after filming in a haunted house, ghosts begin to haunt the main character not only at work, not only in the films where she plays, but also in her real life.

Heroine … Noriko Skakai knows how to perfectly portray fear, and, which is not unimportant for an actress playing a horror movie, screaming. Her heroine, Harashi Kyoko, is also perfectly afraid in front of the camera and screams. It might even seem ridiculous if she screamed with fear only on the set, but Harashi Kyoko also screams in her free time from filming: she sees ghosts, and this begins to seem so scary that any viewer will start screaming.

Ghosts … The modern Asian horror culture has reached its peak: now ghosts are not the sinister dead with the appearance of Fredi Krueger. These are completely calm characters with a completely human appearance. This makes them really scary.

Pure genre … The plot of the film (ghosts chase people who filmed a film about ghosts in a house where ghosts lived) is devoid of any oriental philosophy. Although the heroine is expecting a child, this is a coincidence, and no reincarnation of the ghost is planned. The logic of their behavior is understandable only to representatives of the other world, for earthly beings it is unpredictable and otherworldly, and people are afraid of everything that defies their explanation. The ghosts in The Curse 2 are scary because they are beyond human comprehension.

Director … Takashi Shimitsu, creator of the film "The Curse" (2003), practically without interruption from the success of the first film, continued to shoot horror and the result of his intimidation of viewers about continuous work was the film "Curse 2". In a few years Takashi may become the youngest classic of the genre, because his previous film "Tommy: Rebirth" was also a very popular Japanese horror film, and "Curse 2" has already been nominated as the best film of the year at the Catalan International Film Festival in Spain. The film the director is currently working on is not called "Ju on: the Grudge", but simply "The Grudge", that is, again - "The Curse": Takashi remains faithful to the genre that brought him worldwide fame.
