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What is the date of the Meeting of the Lord in 2022
What is the date of the Meeting of the Lord in 2022

Video: What is the date of the Meeting of the Lord in 2022

Video: What is the date of the Meeting of the Lord in 2022

Many Orthodox Christians know that at the Meeting of the Lord there is a second consecration of water during the year. Those who are going to attend a festive service in the church on this day and take holy water would like to know exactly what date the Presentation of the Lord is celebrated in 2022. Learn about the religious meaning, history, origins, Orthodox and folk traditions of this important day.

Religious meaning and date

In the church calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, there are few events related to the earthly life of Christ, which are celebrated by the church every year on the same day. One of them is the Presentation of the Lord, which always falls on February 15th.

In 2022, this holiday will also be on this day, which falls on Tuesday. Believers should attend the festive service, pray and confess. In all churches solemn services and water lighting are held, all church rites are associated with the Great Meeting of the Old and New Testaments, which symbolizes this holiday in Orthodoxy.


Translated from Old Church Slavonic, the name of the holiday is translated as "meeting". According to the Gospel, it took place in the temple of Jerusalem between Simeon the God-receiver, who had been waiting for the coming of the Messiah for 300 years, and little Jesus, in whom the elder recognized the Savior.

In the folk tradition, the pagan name of this holiday is also preserved - Gromnitsy.

This Christian feast day refers to the twelve Orthodox holidays, which are dedicated to the 12 most important events of the Gospel. When this important Orthodox holiday comes, believers go to church, pray in front of icons, and bring consecrated water into their homes.


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History of origin

The religious meaning of the day is associated with the ancient Gospel tradition, according to which Mary and Joseph brought the future Savior to the temple on the 40th day after his birth, having previously circumcised on the 8th day of his life.

Due to the fact that the meeting took place on the 40th day after the Nativity of Christ, it is always celebrated on February 15th.


The meeting of the representatives of the Old and New Testaments is described in the Gospel of Luke. The Jewish people had been waiting for the coming of the Messiah for several centuries. The Apostle Luke points out this, writing that Simeon the God-Receiver had been waiting for this meeting for 300 years. Taking the baby Jesus in his arms, he delivered a speech praising God. After meeting Jesus, Simeon died soon after completing his mission. In Russia, the Presentation of the Lord in the time of its celebration coincided with the pagan holiday of Thunder, which was dedicated to the delimitation of winter and spring.

The pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs were based on the agricultural cycle and were closely associated with the changing seasons. Slavic tribes celebrated the end of winter, summing it up, a line, thus separating it from spring. The thunders symbolize the opposition of light and darkness, cold and warmth. On this day, it was customary to glorify the god of thunder Perun and the goddess Thunder. It was customary to make sacrifices in their honor.


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Holiday traditions

On this day, a festive service is held in the churches, the Divine Liturgy is performed, and all-night vigils are conducted. During the service, believers can ask the Lord in their prayers for help in their deeds. It is believed that on this day all prayers of believers will be heard by the Almighty.

The meeting of the Old and New Testaments is celebrated not only by Orthodox, but also by some Protestant movements.


In the church, at the end of the festive prayer service, water is consecrated. It is believed that the water consecrated at this time has medicinal properties. Church people believe that it gives strength to a person, heals from various ailments.

It is also customary in churches to consecrate candles, after which they are brought home and lit in front of icons. It is believed that such a ceremony brings peace, tranquility and happiness to the family.

In addition to Orthodox traditions, the people have also preserved pagan rituals. It is customary among the people to guess at the groom and to cleanse the house of evil spirits.


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What is forbidden to do

In addition to traditional holiday rituals, it is forbidden to do a number of things. Since the Presentation of the Lord is one of the important Christian holidays, it is forbidden on this day:

  • work;
  • cleaning the house;
  • wash;
  • go on a long journey.

In 2022, this holiday falls on Tuesday, February 15th. On this day, it is advisable to visit the church and confess.

After the service, you must definitely leave the church, taking holy water with you.



For those who are interested in the Orthodox calendar and want to celebrate all church holidays, it is important not only to know what date the Meeting of the Lord is celebrated in 2022, but also a number of other important things related to this holiday:

  1. The Presentation of the Lord is always celebrated on the same day - February 15th.
  2. The religious meaning of the holiday is that the baby Jesus, the representative of the New Testament, met with Simeon the God-Receiver, the representative of the Old Testament.
  3. This day should be spent in prayer, attending a service, thinking more about the higher meanings of mortal life.
  4. When attending a service in the temple, be sure to take holy water with you after its completion. It is believed that consecrated water at the Meeting has special healing properties.
