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How to plant garlic before winter and make it large
How to plant garlic before winter and make it large

Almost all vegetable growers grow garlic in the garden, which is famous for its healing properties. At the same time, beginners usually do not know how to plant garlic before winter.

Site selection

A land with low or good acidity is the most suitable place. It is desirable that the bed is in the sun. It is first necessary to clarify which plants grew on the site earlier.

Excellent predecessors include:

  • early varieties of cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • legumes.

You can plant a vegetable after strawberries, strawberries. It is undesirable to choose a site after potatoes, onions - they have similar diseases with garlic, and the land can be contaminated. In the future, they can ruin the harvest.

Garlic cannot be planted in one area more than 2 times in a row. Otherwise, stem nematode infection occurs. Long-term processing is required before planting another crop.


Suitable time for planting outdoors

The time of disembarkation is influenced by the weather. It is advisable to plant a spicy vegetable 3 weeks before the cold weather. And since the climate in Russia differs depending on the region, the planting time in each of them is different:

  1. In the Moscow region, it is advisable to plant garlic before winter in the last days of September - at the beginning of October.
  2. It is preferable for residents of the Leningrad Region to perform the procedure from October 15.
  3. In Siberia, the landing takes place from September 10, and ends in early October.
  4. In the Urals, work is best done from September to October 10.
  5. In the south of the country, the culture is planted until the first days of November.

It is necessary not only to determine the timing, but also to prepare for planting. Careful inspection of soil and seed is required.


Site preparation

They start working on it from the end of August. Before planting garlic cloves in the suburbs before winter, you first need to check the site for pests and possible diseases. If they are found, you need to fertilize the land. You will need humus (10 g), chalk (1 glass), ash (300 g). This is enough for 1 sq. m.

Many gardeners advise making a mixture of potassium sulfate (2 tbsp. L.) And superphosphorus (1 tbsp. L.), Spread over the ground, after digging the bed 20-25 cm.

It is better not to choose manure for fertilization. It increases the acidity and the amount of peat in the soil. This negatively affects the germination of the vegetable. The soil must be left on for 15-20 days before planting. This is required to protect the soil from subsidence.

If you plant a vegetable immediately after digging up the land, the yield will be reduced. When the soil subsides, the cloves also go down. In the spring, the germination period will increase by 1-2 weeks, and the heads will turn out to be small.


How to prepare the cloves for planting

Before planting garlic before winter in the Moscow region, so that it is good and large, they prepare the material. The heads are pre-divided into teeth.

You only need to choose good seed material. It is important that the scales are not damaged.

It is undesirable to choose teeth on which mold or rot is visible. There should be no scratches or dents on them.

Good seed needs to be processed. To do this, choose a solution of potassium permanganate and copper sulfate. The seeds should be soaked for 10-12 hours.


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It is important that the cloves are dry. Otherwise, the yield will be low.

You can treat the seed with an ash solution. It is a simple procedure that follows:

  1. You will need wood ash (2 glasses). It is poured with warm water (2 liters).
  2. After 3-5 hours, it will dissolve in water, the excess will settle.
  3. After stratification of the composition, only the light part is used.

Many growers process garlic with a saline solution. You will need salt (5 tablespoons) and water (1 bucket). The cloves are immersed in the solution for 10-20 minutes. They are planted on the garden bed without washing.


Landing rules

It is necessary to plant garlic with cloves before winter so that the distance between them is appropriate. First, the beds are formed (suitable sizes 0.25 × 1 m). They create holes 5-15 cm deep.

If the planting is carried out in advance (in late August - early September), then the depth is 10-15 cm. Then the cloves will root better and will tolerate the cold normally.

Not everyone knows how best to plant garlic cloves before winter in order to get a good harvest. There should be 10 cm between the holes, then the cloves will not interfere with each other. And between the rows you need to maintain a distance of 25-30 cm. This will simplify maintenance: loosening, weeding, fertilizing.


The cloves should not be strongly pressed into the soil. This can damage the root system, which can degrade the quality of the crop.

How to plant grooves

You can choose another option, how to plant garlic before winter, so that it is good and large. Clean sand is poured at the bottom. This protects the teeth from decay.

After the introduction of the material, the soil is mulched. This procedure protects the seeds from freezing. Mulching should not be done in warm climates. Dry peat or sawdust is used in the form of mulch. It is important that the layer is not less than 3 cm.


Care features

It is necessary to plant garlic with cloves before winter correctly, and the photo will help with this. If everything is done correctly, then leaving is simple. It consists in timely watering and fertilization. Pest control is also necessary.

If soil organic matter is scarce, phosphorus components are added first. You will need superphosphate (1 tbsp. L.), Wood ash (500 ml), potassium sulfate (2-3 tablespoons). They need to be added to a bucket of water. Fertilizers must be applied by drip irrigation.

In the spring, when there will be no more frosts, urea is used as a top dressing. It takes only 1 tbsp. l. funds for a bucket of water. The solution is used for watering seedlings.

Irrigation is performed every 7-10 days. It is important that the soil is not very wet or dry. The garden should be cleared of weeds, as the root system of the garlic suffers from them.


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Suitable varieties

When choosing a variety, you need to rely not only on personal preference. It is also necessary to focus on the quality of the land, on the weather, climate, planting time and early maturity of garlic.

The most popular varieties of spicy vegetables include:

  1. Otradnensky. It is considered resistant to low temperatures and pests. The variety has a good yield (1.5 kg per 1 sq. M). Refers to mid-late. It is considered ideal for Russia.
  2. Gribovsky 60. The variety is classified as early maturing, vitrifying. The heads weigh 50 g each. The number of teeth is 6-12. The taste is wonderful.
  3. Gribovsky jubilee. This is a medium late variety. Used for cultivation in the middle zone of the country. It is considered resistant to drought and frost.
  4. Komsomolets. Vegetation lasts up to 110 days. This garlic has a pungent taste. If planted correctly, the yield will be good.
  5. Danilovsky local. Ideal for central Russia. The weight of the onion is 45-50 g. The taste is not very spicy.

The presented varieties of garlic are suitable not only for cooking and fresh consumption. They are used for canning. This garlic can also be dried to be added to dishes at any stage of cooking.


If properly cared for, the crop ripens in the middle of summer. Digging time depends on the weather, seed material, care. But you can check the ripening time. So, when harvesting raspberries, you can also harvest garlic.

The approximate time is mid-July. The date may be shifted due to unfavorable weather conditions. Ripe fruits should be dug up and left to dry. During the sunny period it takes up to 6 days. Then the tops should be cut, leaving up to 7 cm at the base. Eliminate roots too.

It remains to sort out the garlic. If it is dense, has no damage, it will be stored for a long time. A dry, cool place is suitable for this. Bad fruits are discarded.


Winter garlic is an unpretentious plant. It is enough to follow the basic rules of planting and care to get an excellent harvest. And then all that remains is to store it in a suitable place.

The process of how to properly plant garlic before winter is not difficult. You just need to prepare the soil and seed material, with poor quality - to process. After adding garlic to the soil, it is important to provide it with proper care. Only then will there be an excellent harvest.



  1. Before planting, you must select the site and seed material.
  2. It is necessary to process both soil and seeds.
  3. The planting process is simple, you just need to determine the optimal distance between the teeth.
  4. After planting, proper care of the crop will be required.
