Ten reasons to keep a diary
Ten reasons to keep a diary

Video: Ten reasons to keep a diary

Video: Ten reasons to keep a diary
Ten reasons to keep a diary
Ten reasons to keep a diary


1. This seems strange to many. So what? Keep a diary, and, among other things, you will be different from the crowd and this.

2. No matter how super-sociable you are, you sometimes want to be at least a little by yourself. Sit and think. Or dream. And organize your thoughts in a diary.

3. By splashing out your energy (and sometimes not always positive) to harmless pieces of paper, you save your loved ones from unnecessary emotions, and maybe from what they should not know at all?

4. After all, everyone should have their own secret, which even the best friend does not want to talk about? Trust her diary. He will not betray you and will never judge you.

5. Having a diary should not be considered a lack of friends.

6. Many people remember about the diary only during periods of "mental climax". Would you like to write about something positive? For example, from the first days of my life my mother kept a diary in which she recorded all the stages and stages of my growing up. Thanks to these records, I know very well how little I was, although my mother already does not remember much.

7. Doesn't your life deserve to be recorded ?! Imagine, in n-th number of years, and perhaps centuries, someone will read your notes and, thanks to them, will be able to imagine how and what his ancestors lived. And how many celebrities have clothed their thoughts in their diaries! Many are now published and are unique material for the study of human character.

8. It's great on a cold winter evening, wrapped in an old blanket, and sipping mulled wine, turning not the pages of your diary, but the pages of your life and remembering, observing your own metamorphoses … By the way, you can read something out loud to your beloved or arrange a little test: remember how it is It was? I'm sure the mood will only improve! And if you feel sad, it is unlikely to lead to depression.

9. With a diary, you can be 100 percent frank. You do not have to suffer, choosing the right words - you just fix the stream of consciousness. Such openness, alas, cannot be afforded even with the best friends. After all, friendship is not only about telling loved ones the latest news or discussing everyone and everything. A friend is a person with whom you can not only talk heart to heart, but sometimes just keep silent together. The main thing is to feel his presence.

10. While others are wasting time in front of the TV and chatting, you get busy! Call it what you want - introspection, clever thoughts, reconciliation with yourself. It is possible that some foe, taking advantage of the opportunity, will read something that, by and large, he is not supposed to know at all. Do not despair - if you have been exposed in something, just honestly admit: yes, it is! Ill-wishers will lose all their trump cards, and you will only win. As you can see, even in the minuses you can find your pluses. The main thing is to draw the right conclusions from everything!
