Pink love: questions and answers
Pink love: questions and answers

Video: Pink love: questions and answers

Video: Pink love: questions and answers
Video: Pink Answers Listener Questions 2024, April
I'm out of my mind, I need her
I'm out of my mind, I need her

It is much easier for one woman to love another than a man. A woman knows where it is pleasant for her, where it tickles, and where it is better not to touch at all. With her eyes closed, in less than 3 seconds she will find the most cunningly hidden erogenous point on the body of her fighting friend. A woman is 6 times more likely to have an orgasm with her own kind than with a man (according to ruthless statistics).

In addition, the woman does not forget about the possible bad breath. She remembers to shave her armpits, observe intimate hygiene, cut her nails, clean her ears, wash her feet …

Well, after that, how not to be disappointed in the guys and not become a lesbian? However, all the same statistics say: those offended by men (or deprived of their attention) do not fall into lesbianism, they move from the category of blue stockings to old maidens. Becoming a lesbian takes more than just disgusting the entire male sex combined. Or lose hope of getting married. You need to be able to LOVE a woman … And none of us is capable of this. And thank God!

With this article, I do not at all call on anyone to same-sex love - I want to immediately warn against a flurry of criticism in my address. I just want to figure it out: is a lesbian a juicy vice, diagnosis, insult or compliment these days? Is a lesbian an abnormal woman? The most gentle mistress? Sick? Healthy? Fooling around? Next fashion? And in general, how many there are, where are they, why are they like that?

Regarding "why" science does not give an unambiguous answer, it is clear that the dog is buried somewhere at the junction of psychology and genetics, but only how to find it, this junction? Maybe hormones … Recently at a conference in Madrid, doctors reported that among lesbians an abnormally high percentage of women with polycystic ovary disease. As a result, there is an increased content of male hormones and, in most cases, infertility. On the other hand, it is not clear: either hormonal disorders are the reason for lesbian orientation, or, on the contrary, nature amputates the ability of lesbians to reproduce the genus, as superfluous.

In general, there are many theories about where lesbians come from. Freud believed that the human being is bisexual from birth. However, as a result of normal development (the theory of which Freud carefully developed), a person acquires a traditional sexual orientation. The reason for homosexuality can be the unfavorable passage of one of the phases of development.

Modern sexologists are in no hurry to look for the cause of homosexual orientation. In order not to traumatize the psyche of their pink and blue patients, they suggest that differences in sexual orientation are as natural as differences in preference for alcohol or flowers. Some believe that sexual orientation develops around the age of eighteen - exactly towards the end of sexual development. More right, perhaps, others who think that you can finally orient yourself sexually only at the age of twenty-five. By this time, some experience of sexual experiences has already been accumulated, and thoughts about creating a family begin to come to mind. It is the choice of a partner for a serious long-term relationship that indicates the completion of the stage of sexual navigation. By the way, statistics show that women realize themselves as lesbians much later than men as gays. And the homosexual experience acquired by a girl in adolescence does not in any way predict the formation of her homosexual orientation.

Also, modern studies studying relatively large samples and going in several directions at once were able to establish a number of important trends:

1. Homosexuality is a "family" phenomenon: where there is one homosexual, there is a high probability of finding others, especially among maternal relatives.

2. Homosexuality was initially given to the individual as an inevitable fate, individual development only reveals and realizes what was laid down by nature or formed in very early childhood.

3. It is formed by the environment and upbringing: traumatic experiences of childhood, family conditions, sexual abuse of a teenager by adults or peers.

4. It is the result of individual self-development, more or less conscious choice, this is not fate, but self-determination.

5. The general position of world medicine, including psychiatry, and recorded in the diagnostic reference book of the World Health Organization, is that homosexuality is not a disease and cannot be "cured".

They also say lesbians have an excess of testosterone in their blood. In general, the majority of lesbians are people with the so-called "labile" type of psyche, prone to hysteria, artistry, exaggeration, easily excitable. All lesbians are still sensual. There are no frigid women among lesbians, because what's the point: if you don't get pleasure, then, as a rule, you don't feel strong passions either. Neither the opposite sex, nor your own. Lesbians are most of all among the beautiful, among the talented and educated. Among the best. Maybe because men are shrinking …

How do they relate to men? No hate. They are simply indifferent to them as sexual objects. The lesbian world is not a world-without-men. It's just a world where men play episodic and tertiary roles. Which is a shame for men. It turns out that they are not just interchangeable, but masterly interchangeable with just a pair of hands, lips, tongue. Plus fantasy!

But back to statistics. It turns out that 6.7% of men and 3.5% of women on Earth practice homosexual relationships.

And here's another. About 37% of girls have experience of "episodic lesbian contacts". Among female students of institutes, this percentage is much higher. The sophistication of higher education, they somehow whip up the excited girlish curiosity. Again, student drunkenness.

Lesbian is not a fashionable hobby. Most lesbians didn't take this route. It just happened in their lives, like a beloved but sick child, like a test, like an obsession. Lesbians in 90% of cases all their lives unsuccessfully seek harmony with themselves. Many of those who later realized themselves as a lesbian suffered for years, "maybe I just haven't met MY man yet," rushed to extremes up to misogyny, or, conversely, got married, hurriedly gave birth to children, then the same were rapidly getting divorced. By the way, Those of them who manage to become a mother dearly love babies, carefully protect them from the "mother's secret".

The postulate that there is only one truly "normal" lifestyle for a woman is so strong that many women are too slow to become aware of their lesbian tendencies. And then they admit that the most painful thing is this very moment when you realize yourself - a lesbian. A woman who WANTS TO SLEEP with another woman. A woman who doesn't want to sleep with men. Irrevocably.

By the way, about sex. In almost all lesbian relationships, affection and affection play an important role. Body contact such as hugs, kisses, and touching, highly regarded by all women but often overlooked in the stereotypes of heterosexual intimate relationships, are the true soul of lesbian sex. This is not a prelude to "real" sex, sexual intercourse, but the main essence and independent value. Lesbian sex is less predictable than its heterosexual counterpart, where intercourse and orgasm are seen as the ultimate goals that must be achieved at all costs.

Sexually, women tend to be more honest with each other - a woman rarely fakes an orgasm in front of another woman, and if one partner has difficulty reaching orgasm, the couple will rather try to solve the problem than resort to cheating or ignore it.

This is how they live. Trying to prove to everyone else, "normal", their right to exist. And luckily. I don't know about you, but I, after rereading a bunch of scientific literature on this topic (for example, the fundamental work of I. S. Kon "Moonlight at dawn. Faces and masks of same-sex love", as well as comments from psychologists and sexologists from numerous sites helping homosexuals), realized that they were not doing anything terrible. Delighted worship of a girlfriend is a common thing in childhood, and rarely a girl does not go through it. So here is about the same feeling, but passed through the amplifier, the followers of Sappho experience. I have become more tolerant of lesbians, I do not condemn or approve of them. I just do not prevent them from looking for happiness, because, in fact, we, women of traditional orientation, are looking for the same, only in the arms of a man. Both their love and ours can give rise to baseness and vulgarity, both are capable of something high. Yes, homosexuality was and remains illegal. Lesbian love is condemned because it goes "in spite of". But you can't execute a person just because he has uneven teeth or long ears? Therefore, nowadays homosexuals (men and women) are prosecuted only in two cases: for the use of violence and for communication with minors.
