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Does Tsitovir-3 help from coronavirus or not
Does Tsitovir-3 help from coronavirus or not

Video: Does Tsitovir-3 help from coronavirus or not

Video: Does Tsitovir-3 help from coronavirus or not
Video: Infodemic: Coronavirus and the fake news pandemic 2024, April

Scientists have concluded that the most effective treatment for COVID-19 is an integrated approach. During therapy, several medications are used at the same time, including immunostimulating ones. Cytovir-3 is used in the treatment of coronavirus, but is it effective?

Description of the drug and composition

Tsitovir-3 belongs to drugs with broad antiviral effects. It has an immunostimulating and antibacterial effect on the body.


The product has broad pharmacological properties:

  • a slight improvement in the condition appears within 5 hours after taking the medicine;
  • the main components of the drug simultaneously increase the production of interferons and stimulate the immune system;
  • the presence of ascorbic acid in the composition significantly enhances the therapeutic effect, since it is an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • the drug has a high ability to destroy a large list of viruses - ARVI, influenza A and B and many others;
  • the medicine can be used not only for medicinal, but also for prophylactic purposes;
  • the preparation contains 3 active active ingredients at once.

Medical experts believe that Citovir-3 is successfully used in combination with other drugs in therapy against Covid-19, since it is able to stop inflammation processes. In addition, it provokes the launch of intracellular immunity. However, there is no official proof that the drug is effective against the coronavirus.


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The drug is produced in 3 different forms:

  • powder for solution preparation;
  • colorless, tasteless and odorless syrup (for children);
  • gelatin capsules.

In the forms of the drug for children, flavors are used:

  • cranberry;
  • Strawberry;
  • Orange.

The main active ingredients of Citovir-3 are:

  • ascorbic acid (increases resistance to the penetration of various viruses and belongs to powerful antioxidant substances) - 12 mg;
  • bendazole hydrochloride (increases the performance of natural interferon) - 1.25 mg;
  • alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan sodium (eliminates inflammation without disrupting the cellular balance) - 0.15 mg.

Also in the composition of the syrup Tsitovir-3 there are auxiliary components that enhance its effect, and food additives that improve assimilation:

  • purified water - 1 ml;
  • sucrose - 800 mg.


  • lactose monohydrate;
  • calcium stearate - 0.17 g.

In capsules:

  • gelatin (in the body and lids) - up to 100%;
  • dye karmazin - 0, 0328%;
  • yellow dye "Sunset Sun" - 0, 219%;
  • titanium dioxide - 2%;
  • calcium stearate - 1.7 mg;
  • lactose monohydrate - 97, 8 mg.

The powder in capsules can be yellow and white, odorless.

The rapid action of Cytovir-3 in coronavirus is due to the fact that the therapeutic effect occurs rather quickly. The sequence of distribution throughout the body occurs in the following order - leukocytes, platelets, all tissues of the body.


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Does Tsitovir-3 help against coronavirus

Clinical trials of this drug show its high efficiency in the treatment of a variety of viral infections. This is due to the fact that it acts in several directions at once - relieves inflammation and launches natural immunity.

But at the same time, there is no official study of its effectiveness as a separate unit in the fight against coronavirus. However, doctors often prescribe this drug to patients with Covid-19.

Instructions for use

For adult patients, Citovir-3 is available in capsules, for children - in powder for suspension and syrup.

Take the remedy only orally, at least half an hour before meals.

For the treatment of viral diseases, the dosage of syrup and powder will be as follows:

  • children 1-3 years old - 2 ml;
  • children 3-6 years old - 4 ml;
  • children 6-10 years old - 8 ml;
  • adults and children from 10 years old - 12 ml.

The frequency of admission is 3 times a day. The full course of treatment is 4 days.

In capsules, the drug is taken 1 time per day, the course of treatment is 12 days.

For prophylaxis, Citovir-3 powder and syrup are taken in the same way as described above. In this case, the course is repeated after a three-week break.


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When preparing a suspension from a powder, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage. One bottle of the product is thoroughly mixed with 50 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature.

Side effects and contraindications

Like any drug, Cytovir-3 has a number of contraindications and may cause some side effects.

The main contraindications to the appointment of this drug include the following:

  • in children under 6 years of age, capsules are prohibited;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • atopic bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension;
  • predisposition to blood clots;
  • taking medicine in the form of a powder or syrup for diabetes mellitus of any degree;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components that make up the product.

Most often, the drug does not give side effects, but sometimes the following negative manifestations are possible:

  • various forms of allergies - itching, burning, swelling, urticaria, skin rashes;
  • short-term reduction in blood pressure in patients with vascular dystonia.

Patients with digestive problems are often interested in whether there may be an upset gastrointestinal tract from it. Experts calm down - this drug does not have a negative effect on this body system.

Drug analogs

There are currently no complete analogues of Cytovir-3, but there are medications with a similar mechanism of action.


The most popular of them are:

  • Orvirem;
  • Lavomax;
  • Immunal;
  • Kagocel;
  • Arbidol, etc.

It is important to remember that self-prescribing an antiviral drug is highly discouraged. This is due to the fact that each antiviral drug has its own treatment regimen and a number of serious contraindications.


The cost of the drug Cytovir-3 depends on the form of release and the volume or number of capsules in the package. The price in 2021 varies from 300 to 1000 rubles.


Cytovir-3 is currently considered one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, but it is not a proven remedy in therapy against coronavirus.
