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What date is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in 2021?
What date is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in 2021?

Video: What date is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in 2021?

Video: What date is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in 2021?
Video: День семьи , любви и верности. Family , Love and Fidelity Day 2024, April

The holiday we want to talk about carries several semantic loads. The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity has been celebrated as a secular holiday in the Russian Federation since 2008; it coincides with the religious holiday of the Blessed Princes Peter and Fevronia, the Miracle Workers of Murom. At church services, prayers dedicated to the canonized saints are read. For the younger generation, this day is favorable for matchmaking, marriage. When the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is celebrated in Russia in 2021, what are its traditions - we will tell you further.

Historical reference

For the 14th time, on July 8, Russia will celebrate the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which coincides with June 25 according to the Julian calendar, the day on which the pious saints Peter and Fevronia left this world. It is no coincidence that the secular holiday was timed to coincide with this date. Life and death in one day of princes David and Euphrosinia - the names of the saints in the world have become a symbol of love, loyalty, devotion to family values, therefore, the question of what date to set the date for the holiday was beyond doubt.


Davyd and Euphrosinia reigned in Murom at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th century. There are almost no historical sources, chronicles of those times. It is known that from 1205 to 1228 Prince Davyd Yurievich ruled the Murom lands.

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The life story of Davyd and Euphrosinia is described three centuries later in the "Life Tale" by Ermolai-Erasmus, a famous publicist of the 16th century, based on the legends about the life of the Murom princes Davyd and Euphrosyne, therefore the story is rather a literary treatment of folklore material. In the "Life Tale" there are elements of a fairy tale narration.


The story of the life and death of David and Euphrosyne looks like this. Prince Davyd ruled Murom at the beginning of the 13th century; he was strong, brave and just. Once he had to fight and defeat a dragon, whose poisonous blood got on the body of the prince, he fell ill with leprosy. No one could heal David, but one day in a dream a vision came to him. The voice told him that Euphrosinia, the daughter of a bee-keeper living in the Ryazan lands, could heal him.

The prince sent messengers to the girl's house, and she agreed to heal him, but on the condition that he marry her, a simple peasant woman. The prince agreed, but he was lying, not knowing that the girl was a witch and knew everything in advance. She left a small, non-healing wound on Davyd's body, which led to re-infection.


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The prince again turned to Euphrosinia for help, she cured David, and he married her. But the boyars rebelled against the reign of a girl without a clan, Davyd and Euphrosinia were expelled from Murom, after which the process of division of power and riots began. The people forced the boyars to return the princely couple.

They ruled fairly, the people treated Euphrosinia favorably for her kindness and wisdom. After a certain period of reign, David and Euphrosinia handed over power to their children, and they themselves took monastic vows with the names Peter and Fevronia.

When the former prince, at that time the monk Peter, felt the approach of his death, he sent for his wife, as they vowed to die on one day. And so it happened on June 25, 1228. According to church canons, the couple must be buried separately by the princess, but in a strange way they ended up in the same coffin with a partition, so they were buried.

The relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia have survived. In 1553 Ivan the Terrible built the Mother of God-Nativity Cathedral in Murom, ordered to transfer the relics of the saints here. Since 1992, a reliquary with relics has been kept in the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom. Peter and Fevronia were canonized by the church in 1547.


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The history of a secular holiday

Love, loyalty to the family traditions of Peter and Fevronia inspired the youth of Murom. They decided to make the example of the saints a role model - to establish a secular holiday on the day of honoring the saints. Since 2002, the celebration has become a regional tradition, and since 2008, an all-Russian one, with the blessing of the church.

The main celebrations take place in Murom. Famous pop performers come here. Fairs with master classes in folk art are held, performances by folklore ensembles, sports and many other events are held. The wheelchair parade is also timed to coincide with this day. The symbol of the holiday is chamomile.

The medals "For Love and Fidelity" have been established - they are awarded to couples who have lived in love and harmony for 25 years or more. The medal "Parental Glory" is given to parents who invest in the upbringing of children, doing everything to preserve and prosper the family. A wedding on this festive day is considered a good omen, however, the young do not get married, since the fast has not ended on June 8.



The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is a wonderful holiday that revives old traditions and is in tune with religious rites. The Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia strengthens family values in the Orthodox context.
