Curvy girls act like a drug on men
Curvy girls act like a drug on men

Millions of women on the planet are fiercely struggling with being overweight. However, researchers once again come to the conclusion that in fact, men like beauties with curvaceous forms. As the specialists of the University of Georgia have found out, at the sight of a lady with an "hourglass" figure in men, certain areas of the brain are activated.

When looking at girls a la Beyoncé Knowles, guys get an effect comparable to the use of alcohol or drugs. The fact is that at this moment one of the zones responsible for pleasure is activated in the male brain.

Earlier, experts noted that over the past 50 years, the girth of women's breasts and hips has increased on average by 5 cm, the waist - by as much as 18. Thirty years ago, the size scale for dressmakers ended at sixty-two. Today, as studies show, it is time to introduce the 68th size. Moreover, there are practically no women left with an hourglass figure, mainly figures in the shape of a rectangle, a pear or an inverted triangle are observed.

During the study, scientists showed a group of young people photos of girls before and after plastic surgery. After these operations, the girls' weight did not change, but was simply redistributed from the abdomen to the hips and chest. Viewing "post-operative" pictures has stimulated the same reward centers in young people's brains that are usually activated by drinking and drugs. The more distinguishable the waist-to-hip ratio was, the more sharply the man's brain reacted.

Dr. Stephen Platek believes that this may be due to the fact that wide hips have long been associated in the male mind with health and the ability to carry healthy children.

At the subconscious level, the stronger sex turns on the reflexes of the future parent. And the male subconscious perceives thin girls as weak, unreliable mothers. It is not surprising that Marilyn Monroe, whose figure is far from modern standards, is still considered one of the most striking sex symbols.
